Current Issue

Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 7/9/24

Year: 2023


Research Articles

Işık University Journal of Art, Design and Architecture (Işık JADA) is a refereed and scientific journal published by Işık University Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture. Işık JADA aims to evaluate original works related to the fields of art, design and architecture and establish interdisciplinary relations with these fields in accordance with academic and scientific ethical rules and to deliver them to the readers. Işık JADA aims to create a continuously developing open-access electronic platform for related fields and accepts manuscripts written in Turkish or English.

Işık JADA accepts national and international original research articles, reviews, and critical essays that have not been previously published in another publication or submitted simultaneously to another publication. It works with a double-blind refereeing system. The journal does not charge a fee at any of the stages of article submission, evaluation and publication, and authors are not paid royalties. The journal publishes two issues a year.

1- Articles can be written in English (US) or Turkish.

2- The word count for an article to be published in the journal should not be less than 4000 words and should not exceed 8000 words, including references. This limit includes tables, illustrations and related captions and subtitles.

3- The journal conducts the peer-review process with a blind referee system. Referees are selected by the Editorial Board of IŞIK JADA according to the characteristics of the articles in their fields.

4- Articles submitted to our journal for publication must be prepared in accordance with the Ethical Principles and Publication Policy.

5- No fee is charged and no royalties are paid to the authors at any of the stages of article submission, evaluation and publication in the journal.

6- The journal is an open access journal that provides online access to articles after publication.

7- Articles submitted for publication in our journal should be prepared according to the journal's article writing format.

8- Authors should upload the following four files at the beginning of their submission:

Işık JADA_COVER PAGE, is the cover page with author information. The cover page must be signed, scanning is acceptable. The names, ORCID numbers, institutions/organizations (department, faculty, university, city and country) and e-mail addresses of all authors, as well as the name and surname and telephone number of the corresponding author should be indicated. If the manuscript has been presented at a previous meeting, the name, date and city of the meeting should be indicated. The author can include the acknowledgment section here. (click here to download).

Işık JADA_Manuscript Format, is the section containing the full text of the article. This file is used as a stand-alone evaluation copy in all editorial and referee processes until the article is accepted for publication (click here to download).

Işık JADA_COPYRIGHT AND AUTHOR AGREEMENT, are the documents containing the agreement. The form should be filled in with the names and signatures of all authors and submitted during the application process The relevant document can be accessed after entering the metadata when the submission process is started with the 'Submit Article' button on the home page.

Işık JADA_Similarity Report, is the originality report of the article. The similarity rate of the article (when references are removed) should be less than 15%. Acceptable similarity review software are Ithenticate and Turnitin. Any discrepancies in the originality reports are the responsibility of the authors.

9- Uploaded article files should be saved in doc, docx, etc. editable extension.

10- The structure of the article should be as follows: Article title, author information, abstract, keywords, main text including tables and images with captions, references.

11- The title of the article should not exceed two lines in Calibri Bold, 16 font size, all capital letters.

12- The abstract should not be more than 250 words and should be prepared on a separate page in English and Turkish. The abstract should be in Calibri with a font size of 9 and line spacing should be 1.

13- Keywords should summarize the content of the article and should not be more than 5 words.

14- Main headings should be in Calibri font, 12-point bold and all characters should be capitalized. One line space should be left between the title and the text. Main headings should also be numbered.

15- Subheadings should be written in Calibri font in 12-point bold and only the first character of the title should be capitalized. One line space should be left between the title and the text. All headings in the manuscript should be numbered consecutively and hierarchically (1., 1.1.1., (except references and acknowledgments).

16- Headings should not be written as the last line of the page. If 2 lines of text cannot be written after the title, the title is placed on the next page. The first line of a paragraph cannot be written as the last line of the page and the last line of a paragraph cannot be written as the first line of the page.

17- The text of the article should be in Calibri font, 10 pt. font size and 1.15 line spacing.

18- There should be 1 line space before and after bullet points and explanations in the text. All pages should be numbered consecutively.

19- Tables and figures should be numbered and given in the text. Each figure, table and picture should be numbered in the text as Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, Table 1, Table 2 and so on, independently of the title and subtitle numbers in the section in which it is written. Tables and figures should be legible and of high resolution (300 dpi). Tables should be prepared in editable text format, not as images. Permissions for copyrighted images should be obtained by the authors and copyright should be indicated in the relevant caption.

20- A bibliography in alphabetical order should be included at the end of the article. The referencing scheme for citations and references is in APA 7 format. All quotations used in the article should be referenced at the end of the article.

21- If you have any questions, please contact us at


● FMV Işık University Journal of Art, Design and Architecture (Işık JADA) is published twice a year in Spring and Fall semesters.

● The papers submitted to the journal must not have been previously published in another journal or submitted simultaneously to another journal for publication. If the articles are accepted for publication, Işık JADA owns all publication rights; they cannot be published elsewhere without Işık JADA's permission. In case of quotation from published works, it is obligatory to cite the source.

● Studies submitted to the journal must be prepared in accordance with the rules of scientific ethics. In this regard, compliance with the Higher Education Institutions, Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive ( is required.

● No fee is charged and no royalties are paid to the authors at any of the stages of article submission, evaluation and publication.

● Articles that are initially evaluated by the Editorial Board and found to be not organized in accordance with Işık JADA publication principles are returned to the author for correction in line with the publication principles before being sent to the referee.

● A blind review process is used in the evaluation of articles. The papers that are initially evaluated by the Editorial Board and comply with the Işık JADA publication principles are evaluated by at least two independent and external (external/independent) subject referees. At least two positive referee opinions are required for an article to be published. Referees fill out the Referee Evaluation Form for the articles they evaluate. The referees indicate their decisions on whether the article is publishable or not and the reasons for their decisions in this form. Reviewers are expected to complete their evaluations within the deadline given to them and to comply with the ethical responsibilities specified here.

● In line with the evaluations of the referees, the jpurnal may decide to publish the manuscript, ask the author for corrections within the framework of the evaluation, or reject the manuscript. The author is notified of the result as soon as possible. If one of the referee evaluations is accepted and the other is rejected, a third referee may be appointed for the article. However, the editorial board and editor reserve the authority to make the final decision without requiring a new referee appointment.

● The Editorial Board has the right to publish a refereed article in subsequent issues of the journal, taking into account the density of articles to be published in the relevant issue.

● The authors acknowledge that they transfer all rights to Işık JADA for the sharing and reproduction of their articles accepted for publication in printed or digital media.

● Işık JADA adopts the policies and follows the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which is recognized as an international standard for publication ethics in all processes carried out and in the context of Author, Reviewer, Editor, Publisher and Reader responsibilities. (

● All responsibility for the authenticity of the data and sources presented in the articles published in the journal or submitted for publication belongs to the author/s of the study. Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with research and publication ethics. Behaviors contrary to ethical rules (plagiarism, fabrication, distortion, misrepresentation, republication, slicing, not specifying the supporting organization, unfair authorship, not citing sources, etc.) should not be performed.

● Işık JADA journal does not accept any responsibility when the presence of erroneous, deceptive, or misleading information is noticed. In such cases, the Editorial Board of Işık JADA has the right to withdraw the article from the scientific literature and to announce this situation publicly.

● All works accepted to Işık JADA must be checked for plagiarism through auxiliary software (Turnitin or iThenticate). The matches resulting from the plagiarism check should be examined and a plagiarism report should be created. The similarity rate is 15% and articles below this rate are accepted for publication.

● Authors are responsible for disclosing all personal and financial relationships that may be a party to their work. Financial relationships such as employment, consultancy, shareholding, fees, payment for expert testimony are identifiable conflicts of interest and are highly likely to undermine the reputation of the journal. Authors should clearly indicate on the cover page of the submitted manuscript whether they have any conflict of interest, whether they have received financial support, and the source of the support.

● Işık JADA is an open access journal and offers its content directly to open access free of charge. The journal aims to contribute to the support and development of science with the Open Access Policy ( Users can read and distribute Işık JADA's articles in full text, print the articles, and link to the articles by citing the source without permission from Işık JADA.

● The personal data of real persons in the studies evaluated in Işık JADA are protected under the Law on the Protection of Personal Data. No information belonging to the author is shared with third parties or institutions.

● Withdrawal Policy: The Editorial Board of Işık JADA has the right to review the study in question in case of a suspicion of an unethical situation or copyright infringement regarding an article that is still in the evaluation phase or published in the journal. As a result of the examination, if a situation that is not in accordance with copyright or research ethics is detected in the article,, the relevant study is withdrawn from the publication process and the author/s of the study are informed.

● There are actions to be taken by the Işık JADA Editorial Board regarding the published work in which unethical situation is detected. In this context, the phrase "Withdrawn" is placed on the first page of the work in the digital environment. In order to inform the scientific world, the reasons for the withdrawal of the study are published. İf deemed appropriate by the Işık JADA Editorial Board, relevant institutions and organizations are notified about the case. It is up to the decision of the journal management to forward this withdrawal notification to the institutions and organizations where Işık JADA is indexed.

● If a retraction request is received from the author who has contacted the Editorial Board of the journal regarding his/her work that has already been published, the Işık JADA Editorial Board will process it immediately. In order for this process to be carried out, the author/s must prepare a document in which they write their withdrawal request and send it to the Işık JADA journal e-mail address ( with the wet signature of each author. It is not an ethical behavior for authors to send their work to another journal for publication before the Işık JADA Editorial Board reviews the application and makes a decision.

● The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number is an access address that allows the identification and access to the official and original copy of the work published in electronic media. After the publication process, the DOI number will be assigned to the accepted studies and the official information of the study in the electronic environment will be secured.


● Editors evaluate articles regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, citizenship or political philosophy. Together with the Editorial Board, they decide which articles will be published in the journal. The decision must be appropriate to the authenticity, relevance and importance of the article and the scope of the journal. Existing legal requirements regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism must be taken into account.

● The editors are responsible for managing the peer review process and have the right to reject the manuscript in case of any conflict of interest.

● Editors guarantee that all information about the submitted manuscript is kept confidential until publication. The process should avoid any conflict of interest or competition between authors, editors and reviewers.

● The names of the authors are not disclosed to the referees, and similarly, the referees to whom the manuscript is sent are not disclosed to the author/s in any way. Upon request, unpublished manuscripts are sent back to the author/s together with the referee reports without specifying the names of the referees.


● Authors are obliged to provide their titles, institutions, contact addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses. Authors should also provide their scientific researcher number (ORCID information), which can be obtained from

● Authors are responsible for complying with the journal's writing rules.

● Authorship should be limited to those who have made significant contributions to the work. All contributors should be listed as co-authors. The corresponding author ensures that all contributing authors are included in the author list.

● All authors have equal responsibility in regards to ethical principles.

● For studies that require Ethics Committee approval, information on the scope and date of the approval must be specified and documented.

● Authors must provide references for all citations used in their articles.

● Authors should not have submitted the same manuscript for publication or review in another journal. It is considered unethical behavior to submit the same work to more than one journal at the same time.

● It cannot be proposed to change the author responsibilities (such as adding an author, changing the author order, removing an author) of a study whose evaluation process has started.


● The peer review process is assisted by the editor and editorial board of the journal.

● A reviewer who knows that he/she is not qualified to review the manuscript or cannot complete the review within the specified time frame should notify the editor and should not be involved in the review process.

● Reviewers should keep confidential any information or ideas obtained in the evaluation and should not use material from the manuscript in their own research. Manuscripts are evaluated independent of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, citizenship or political philosophy. The evaluation of the manuscript should be objective and the views expressed in the evaluation should be supported by supporting documentation.

● Reviewers should determine whether the references in the article are cited in the References section. They are obliged to report any significant similarities or overlaps with previously published articles.

● In case of any conflict of interest, the reviewers are responsible for the rejection of the peer review process. Reviewers should consult with the editor regarding the review process if they have any doubts about the conflict of interest.

No fee is charged at any of the stages of article submission, evaluation and publication, and no royalties are paid to the authors.